5 best indoor plants


Best indoor plants 5 top plants to grow at home

These are the best indoor plants to bring the interior of your home alive.


The humble houseplant can transform your home by improving the indoor environment and elevating your mood.“Plants can increase creativity and reduce stress,”Ahead, our pick of the best indoor plants to add some greenery to your home.

1 (Snake plant)

What is Snake plant?

A common houseplant, the Sansevieria trifasciata is native to Asia and Africa. It can be recognized by
its evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow upright and almost resemble artificial foliage.Snake plants are often used as home decor since they’re pleasing to the eye, are easy to care for, and require little water to survive.


    • Filter indoor air.
    • Remove toxic pollutants.
    • May help boost mental health.
    • Easy to care.
    • Effective against allergies.
    • May help enhance the “energy”.
    • Can help with minor ailments.

    2 (Aloe vera)

    What is Aloe vera?

    Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. It is cultivated in subtropical regions around the world, including the southern border areas of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.. Historically, aloe has been used for skin conditions and was thought to improve baldness and promote wound healing.


    • Soothes Burns and Heals Wounds.
    • Heals Gum Infections.
    • Rashes and allergic reactions on the skin.
    • Eye irritations and injuries.
    • Lowering blood sugar levels in the blood.
    • It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
    • It helps treat canker sores.

    3 (Money plant)

    What is Money plant?

    Money plants are one of the most popular plants that you can spot in homes. They grow in direct &
    indirect sunlight & have high survival rates. Other common names of money plants are- Golden pothos, Ceylon Creeper, and Hunter’s Robe.

    Have you ever wondered why this plant is called the Money Plant?

    It is called a Money plant because of its round, plumb, flat leaves that might with a bit of imagination look like a coin.


    • Helps in purification of air.
    • Offers Health Benefits.
    • Brings Prosperity & Good Luck.
    • Spreads Positivity.
    • Acts as an Anti Radiator.
    • Helps in keeping Aquarium Water Clean.
    • Adds a Special Touch to Decor.

    4 (Echeveria laui)

    What is Echeveria laui?

    If you’re a succulent collector, you’ll surely love Echeveria laui. It’s most attractive feature is seen in its fleshy and powdery leaves having a tinge of blueish-grey to pink shades. It’s of no surprise that many breeders have gone extensive in their pursuits of multiplying this species. 


    • They make great presents.
    • It's hard to mess up with Echeverias so they make excellent plants for beginners.
    • They don't grow fast and maintenance is easy.
    • They're easy going.
    • They Improve the Humidity of Your Home.
    • They Can Improve Your Focus.
    • They Enhance Memory.

    5 (Crassula ovata also known as Jade plant)

    (What is Crassula ovata?)

    Crassula ovata, commonly known as jade plant, lucky plant, money plant or money tree, is a succulent plant with small pink or white flowers that is native to the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa, and Mozambique; it is common as a houseplant worldwide.Much of its popularity stems from the low levels of care needed; the jade plant requires little water and can survive in most indoor conditions. It is sometimes referred to as the money tree; however, Pachira aquatica also has this nickname.


    • It Increases Humidity.
    • A Good Luck Symbol.
    • It Absorbs CO2 in the Night.
    • Low Maintenance.
    • Jade plants help remove volatile organic compounds (VOC) that may be present in the form of wall paints and insect repellents.
    • Jade leaf tea helps fight diabetes.
    • Application of Jade plant juice on skin can cure warts.


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